Reiki Certification Class

Sign Up For A Reiki Retreat, Become A Certified Reiki Practitioner in A Weekend


Reiki, which is one of the Intuitive Healing processes I teach and offer as a service, is a light touch form of energy work. “Rei” means universal and “ki” means life force energy. So being attuned to Reiki, you are able to allow life force energy to flow through you to the people, animals, and/or situations you wish to send healing energy. Reiki is passed from a master teacher to students through an attunement process. Reiki is not a reflection of a belief system; it is simply a natural healing modality that enhances our spiritual, physical and emotional well being.

Reiki Certification Retreats

Choose from April 22-25 and Jun 3-6. More dates to be announced. Space is limited.

Package Includes:

  • Private Suite Thurs, Fri, Sat Night (3 nights @ The Lighthouse Inn & Suites)
  • Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks Fri, Sat & Sun (at The Lighthouse Inn)
  • Dinner Saturday Night at The Lighthouse Inn (on your own Thursday & Friday)
  • 60 min Guided Meditation Sun 11:00am (at The Zen Zone)
  • Reiki Education & Certification 
  • Can Not Take Both Reiki I & Reiki II the same weekend  (21 days between I & II)

Reiki I Recertification Retreat Package


Reiki I Retreat Package


Reiki II Retreat Package


Request to Meet with Beth

I am happy to offer a “20 Minute Complementary Introductory Call”  to confirm we align with each other and to discuss recommendations for services.

I will call you, please provide your best phone number, select a couple days during the week which would be convenient to talk and also - let me know, which is best for you: morning or afternoon?

If you provided days and times which work best for you, Beth will call you at the number provided.